Evangelical Obedience
Obedience means to love the will of God above all things and to submit our whole lives to it. The will of God becomes much awaited, when we realize that it is God Himself who comes to us to love us. We want his Love to lead us in everything, to come into our whole life and to gradually take possession of its spheres. Each one of us tries to discern God’s will during individual talks with persons who we call Responsibles. In a special way they assist us on our journeys.
Therefore, through the vow of the obedience we say to the Lord: Yes, I want what you want.

An effective response to this situation is the obedience which marks the consecrated life. In an especially vigorous way this obedience reproposes the obedience of Christ to the Father and, taking this mystery as its point of departure, testifies that there is no contradiction between obedience and freedom. Indeed, the Son’s attitude discloses the mystery of human freedom as the path of obedience to the Father’s will, and the mystery of obedience as the path to the gradual conquest of true freedom. It is precisely this mystery which consecrated persons wish to acknowledge by this particular vow. By obedience they intend to show their awareness of being children of the Father, as a result of which they wish to take the Father’s will as their daily bread (cf. Jn 4:34), as their rock, their joy, their shield and their fortress (cf. Ps 18:2). (Vita Consecrata, 91)
Mother of Great Abandonment, Humble Servant of the Lord, I give myself to you without reservation
– so that I will desire to do God’s will in everything.