Terms of acceptance
- you are a catholic,
- you are free from any canonical impediments,
- you are no less than 18, and no more than 40 years old,
- your physical and psychological health allows you to undertake formation and apostolate proper to the Institute,
- you have a secondary or tertiary education (professional qualifications),
- you want to live according to the evangelical counsels in the world,
- you want to strive towards union with Christ on the way of communion of life with Mary
… do not hesitate to try!

In the Blessed Virgin Mary, consecrated persons also find a Mother who is altogether unique. Indeed, if the new motherhood conferred on Mary at Calvary is a gift for all Christians, it has a specific value for those who have completely consecrated their lives to Christ. “Behold your mother!” (Jn 19:27): Jesus’ words to the disciple “whom he loved” (Jn19:26) are particularly significant for the lives of consecrated persons. They, like John, are called to take the Blessed Virgin Mary to themselves (cf. Jn 19:27), loving her and imitating her in the radical manner which befits their vocation, and experiencing in return her special motherly love. (Vita Consecrata 28)
Mother of Great Abandonment, Humble Servant of the Lord, I give myself to you without reservation
– so that you will lead me while I am on the paths of my life.