The Stages of Formation

It takes six years to prepare ourselves for first temporary vows.
There are two years of aspirancy and four years in candidacy.
Then, for five years we renew our vows as temporary incorporated members.

After such preparation and discernment, we make perpetual vows and from this moment onwards we undergo ongoing formation.

In every stage of our formation we are accompanied by chosen persons called Responsibles and the Animators of Formation.

formacja Clearly, a more solid formation, while helping consecrated women to understand better their own gifts, cannot but encourage within the Church the reciprocity which is needed. In the field of theological, cultural and spiritual studies, much can be expected from the genius of women, not only in relation to specific aspects of feminine consecrated life, but also in understanding the faith in all its expressions. (Vita Consecrata, 58)

Mother of Great Abandonment, Humble Servant of the Lord, I give myself to you without reservation

– so that you can shape my soul to be more and more God’s delight.