While being in the Institute and as the Institute, we do not undertake any particular works. One of the main areas of our apostleship is our work place. Also the apostolate of ‘humble means’ plays a very important role in our community. As far as it is possible for us and while reading the signs of time, we do participate in evangelization and the charitable mission of the Church. At the same time, we try to connect our involvement with our prayers and sacrifice. The Church needs saints and that is why we take care of our own sanctification, so that we can offer a gift of our holy life to the Church.

Indeed, more than in external works, the mission consists in making Christ present to the world through personal witness. This is the challenge; this is the primary task of the consecrated life! The more consecrated persons allow themselves to be conformed to Christ, the more Christ is made present and active in the world for the salvation of all. (Vita Consecrata, 72)
Mother of Great Abandonment, Humble Servant of the Lord, I give myself to you without reservation
– so that I can with you offer your maternal love to those among whom I live.